Human Rights from Exclusion to Inclusion: Principles and Practice : An Anthology from the Work of Theo van Boven (9789041113771)

Professor Theo van Boven has made his mark in the field of human rights by writing a vast number of scholarly articles, reports, studies, congress papers and the like, covering many topics. Most of his work has been published in law journals, textbooks, Festschrifts and other sources. Since not all of these publications are easily accessible, it is the purpose of this anthology to bring together a selection of his writings from 1966 to 1998.
The editors have focused on those subjects that played a major part during Theo van Boven's career and that are, in their view, the most interesting to the reader. That is why this volume contains papers on such issues as the United Nations and its role as regards human rights, racial discrimination, the right to rehabilitation, the international criminal tribunals, the role of NGOs and many more. The papers have been arranged in different groups under general headings. Within each group, articles dealing with the same subject have been put in chronological order. A detailed bibliography, covering most of Theo van Boven's publications, is included in this book as an annex.
All through his work Theo van Boven displays his sound theoretical background as well as his enormous practical experience. This combination makes his writings so attractive and compelling to read.

Product details

  • Hardback | 520 pages
  • 167.64 x 244.86 x 33.27mm | 925g
  • Zuidpoolsingel, Netherlands
  • English
  • 9041113770
  • 9789041113771

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